How it Works

The CHANGE Program offers full-circle support to help our members overcome complex challenges and build a new future. The BIPOC community helping the BIPOC community one person at a time!

Everyone deserves a chance to live a life free from stereotypes and the mistakes of their past.

The CHANGE Program Model

More than just access to resources, The CHANGE Program helps justice-involved BIPOC men and women make change from the inside out.

If you’re not where you want to be, we can help you get to a better place. Here are some of the things we help with:

Individual Life Coaching

We’ll help you create goals and work with you to make it easier to stay on track.

Government Documentation

Obtaining housing and employment is impossible without proper identification. But don’t worry, we can help you get it done!

Mental Health & Sobriety

Before you can connect with others, you must be healthy and healing yourself. We invest in your emotional wellbeing.

Job Placement

You will receive job placement services, job opportunities, and apprenticeship assistance with the goal of obtaining livable-wage employment.

Training & Education

We provide you with access to education that matches your interest and abilities and can inspire lifelong learning.

Healthy Support System

We want to help you restore your connections in the community and build your support team.

Housing Assistance

We’ll help you obtain safe, secure housing — whether you need temporary, transitional, or permanent housing.

Financial Skills

Knowing how to manage your finances helps you create a more stable life and lifestyle. Learn to develop a budget and build a financial plan based on sound financial principles.

Family & Community Reunification

Family environments and communities directly affect the quality of your life. Through our reunification program, you’ll have a chance to restore important relationships in your life.

Faith-Based Support

We recognize that participation in religious/worship activities can contribute positively toward a member’s well-being and transition into the community. We are connected to many churches in the WA area, and we will help our interested members connect to a church/religious center of their choice.

Long-Term Mentorship & A Chance to Give Back

Get matched to a mentor — someone who has been in your shoes and who gets it. Once you’ve worked the program, you’ll get the opportunity to step up and mentor someone else.

It starts today.